Astuces PC   Et Android

I am a young Cameroonian computer enthusiast with great trick that shares with you all the time more specifically boxes for unlocking mobile phone. Wi-Fi modem. Internet key etc ..... roms or firmware for Android and iOS. of hacking with learning kali Linux unblocking mode step by step



samedi 22 juin 2019

How bypass and the iPhone

              I remind you that this tricks works 100% only on iphone 4 is test and check.

  1. 🔔Then, the bypass technique iCloud runs in several steps well structured, and it is not done through a single program, but more programs that uses different scripts.                                                         
  2. ☑️NB: bypass method only iCloud on PC                                                                                                   
  3. .🔔We will send you an archive file (comprsser) that contains all the program set to run on your PC. In the file comprésser, you will maintain a text file of the name "Read Me" which describe the procedure to make .... The steps are not complicated.                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  4. 🔔Instructions:🔔

  5.     Put device into DFU mode
  6.     Run ssh.jar wait until it says successful
  7.    Open winSCP
  8.    Open a new connection
  9.    Host name:
  10.    Port: 2022
  11.    Login: root
  12.    Password: alpine
  13.    Press the terminal button in winSCP and type:
  14.   Go to /mnt1/var/Applications  and right click and delete
  15.   To activate your device and have it work with your mobile carrier, iTunes and Evasi0n copy the supplied files into the specified folders in the video.
  16.    Reboot your device
  17.    Your device will now be in recovery mode, Use Tiny Umbrella to kick it out of recovery as specified in the video.                                                                                                                                     
  18. Here is the archive that contains the bypass files in question ... ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  19. The bypass instructions are in the Readme.txt file

  20. password: Lecode007

  21. I hope it will be useful for people using this version of iphone.